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n. colour
'kena volume_up
adj. 1. white, bright coloured
1. 白い,明るい色の
n. 2. white
2. 白
[参] tea.
adj. 1. black, dark
1. 黒い,暗い
n. 2. black
2. 黒
'kula volume_up
adj. red
1. 赤い
n. 2. red, the colour red
2. 赤,赤色
'sega volume_up
adj. 1. yellow
1. 黄色の,黄色い
n. 2. yellow, the colour yellow
2. 黄色
[参] 'sama, 'sulu.
lanumoana volume_up
adj. 1. blue
1. 青い
n. 2. blue, the colour blue
2. 青,青色
lanu (colour) + moana (ocean).
lanu(色)+ moana(海).
lanulauniu volume_up
adj. 1. green
1. 緑の,緑色の
n. 2. green, the colour green
2. 緑,緑色
lanu (colour) + launiu (coconut leaf).
lanu(色)+ launiu(ココヤシの葉).
uli mālie volume_up
adj. brown
uli(黒い)+ mālie(穏やかな)
adj. 1. white, bright coloured, pale
1. 白い,明るい色の,青白い
n. 2. white
2. 白
[参] 'kena.
adj. 1. [N] yellow
1. [北] 黄色の,黄色い
n. 2. [N] yellow, the colour yellow
2. [北] 黄色
[参] 'sega, 'sulu.
A Dictionary of the Tuvaluan Language & Culture